#Tardis mod 1.7.10 ruondles code
When the block is first right-clicked, it will ask for the player to set up a code of numbers.

To craft Level 1, the player needs 1 glass (clear), 1 stick, 2 diamonds, 2 redstone, and 1 laser block. Level 1 has 300 durability, Level 2 has 2,700 durability, Level 3 can not break. The only difference is the durability on the reinforcer. The universal block reinforcer has 3 different levels, level 1, level 2, level, 3.
#Tardis mod 1.7.10 ruondles cracked
It can reinforcer all vanilla blocks, which are, stone, granite, polished granite, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, sandstone, chiseled sandstone, smooth sandstone, dirt, cobblestone, oak planks, spruce planks, birch planks, jungle planks, acacia planks, dark oak planks, all of the stairs, all colors of glass, all colors of pane glass, all concrete, all wool, all carpet, all terracotta, all logs, all slabs, bricks, mossy stone, chiseled stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, nether brick, all purpur blocks, all redsand blocks, glowstone and gravel. The Universal Block Reinforcer is a tool that reinforce a block as the name suggests. The player would need 1 Universal Block Modifier and a name tag to craft this in survival. To give them, the block, the owner would rename the Universal Owner Changer in an anvil and shift right click the block that they wanted to change. However, if the player wants to give the block to another player, one would use the Universal Owner Changer to give the other player the block. If the player places a block, the owner is the player that placed it. The Universal Owner Changer is a tool that is used for multi-player. To make this item, the player needs 2 iron ingots, 2 redstone, and 1 laser block. However, be careful because it can change things like Retinal Scanners or Keycard Readers, making the block not function correctly. The Universal Key Changer is a tool that will allow the player to change the key code on items/blocks that require a code. Wire Cutters, to craft, the player needs 1 pair of shears and 4 iron ingots. After the player have disabled the block, the player can break it with a pickaxe. Wire Cutters is a tool that allows the player to disable blocks, such as mines, claymores, and cage traps. The crafting recipe is 2 iron and shears. It will allow the player to pick up reinforced blocks, since they are not able to be mined normally. The Universal Block Remover is a tool that will remove almost any block within the mod. There is the Universal Block Remover, Wire Cutters, Universal Key Changer, Universal Owner Changer, Universal Block Reinforcer (LvL 1, Lvl 2, Lvl 3), Code Breaker, and the Universal Block Modifier.

There are many tools that the player will need to use while playing around with this mod.