How to first line indent in word
How to first line indent in word

how to first line indent in word

Only the first line of the paragraph is indented one-half inch from the left margin. Step 4: Under Indentation section in the Paragraph window, select Fisrt line in the Special box and type the number you are going to indent in the By. Now any new tabs that you type are nothing but lowly tabs, and you are back in control of your backspaces. Word provides a variety of indents to emphasize paragraphs. Click OK to dismiss the Word Options dialog box.Please display the non-printing characters Command+8 & provide another screen shot while the insertion point is in one of the problem paragraphs. indicates that it definitely is at the 1.27 cm mark. Click OK to dismiss the AutoCorrect dialog box. The insertion point is positioned in the first paragraph & the First Line Indent marker on the Ruler.Make sure the Set Left- and First-Indent with Tabs and Backspaces option is cleared.Hanging Line: The first line of a paragraph will remain against the left margin, while the other lines in the paragraph are indented. The AutoFormat As You Type tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. Select an option: First Line: Indents the first line of a paragraph independently of the other lines. Make sure the AutoFormat As You Type tab is displayed.Word displays the AutoCorrect dialog box. At the left side of the dialog box click Proofing.Navigate to Format and select Paragraph Look for the Indentation section and choose Hanging from the Special. In Word 2010 or a later version display the File tab of the ribbon and then click Options.) Select the paragraph or text you want to indent. (In Word 2007 click the Office button and then click Word Options. If you don't like this feature and want Word to accept your tabs for exactly what they are (tabs), then you need to turn off the feature by following these steps: However, the first line of all other paragraphs should be indented with one tab.

how to first line indent in word

It simply means that Word assumes you want to indent the paragraph if you start it out by pressing the Tab key. The first paragraph in each chapter or part should not be indented. What you have just experienced is the automatic indenting feature in Word. If you are like me, you probably scream a bit, and then delete the paragraph and continue typing. You've done it before-you are typing along, minding your own business, when you press the Tab key at the beginning of a paragraph and notice that everything in the paragraph is automatically indented.

How to first line indent in word